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Most Recent Game Review

Everyone guessed that Fallout 4 was going to be one of the biggest selling games of the year, if not the decade and they weren’t wrong. Fallout had sold over 1.8 million copies within the first 3 days of the game being out. Why is this game so popular you ask? Besides the fact it’s probably got the best marketing for a game, the gameplay is incredible. With a surprisingly engaging story, and a vault load of side quests and interesting characters to explore, Fallout 4 is the best open world game in long time. It’s the kind of game you wait years for, only to have it exceed your expectations. Many people were sceptical of game, saying it was built up too much, and when doing this it makes it easier for the game to fail. But long-term fans of the franchise were exceptionally pleased with the game, and how it felt. In previous Fallout’s such as Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas, the game felt clumpy at times, they couldn’t get the fluidity just right, something that the game’s developers pointed out. Its easy for games to use old layouts, and stick with the game engine, but with new technology and the fact these games can take more memory due to the next gen consoles, everything could be made from scratch. Because there’s nothing worse than paying £40 for a new game for it to be almost identical to the last one. Yes we are looking at you E.A.  With its 200% increase of copies sold to the last fallout, its rocketed this game up there with the greats. So grab your Pip Boy, say goodbye to life as you know it, because this is a must play game to end the world of gaming! 

The Game Wheel

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